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Eastern Region Colleges ABC Institute

Provincial Guidelines for Program Development

The Credentials Framework

Colleges in Ontario offer a wide variety of programs. The Credentials Framework was established by MTCU to ensure that credentials awarded in Ontario’s College system are credible, meaningful and consistent across the province. Colleges are responsible for ensuring that their programs are consistent with this framework. To help colleges fulfill this responsibility, Colleges Ontario supports the Credentials Validation Service (CVS). CVS reviews all programs to ensure that they are consistent with this framework.

You can find out more about the Credentials Validation Services.

Program Standards

MTCU has established standards for college programs leading to an Ontario College credential. The standard has three parts vocational learning outcomes (the vocational performances expected of graduates specific to the discipline or career area for which the program is preparing the graduate), essential employability skills (learning outcomes that describe skills critical for success in life and in the workplace – – irrespective of career area for which the specific program is preparing graduates) and the general education requirement (requirements for general education courses). Collectively, these elements outline the essential skills and knowledge that a student must acquire and be able to demonstrate in order to graduate from the program. All programs leading to an Ontario College credential must be able to demonstrate that they meet these standards. More information about program standards and a list of published program standards.

The essential employability skills component of the standards is common for all programs leading to an Ontario College credential.

Standards for programs leading to a degree in applied learning are established by the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB). Standards for college programs that lead to a degree in applied learning can be found on the PEQAB website. Click on the “Ministerial Consent” page button.